Official complaint

The following is an official complaint that was filed with the Court and was completely ignored by the system.

Plaintiff )
Vs. )
Ramin Dunford )
Defendant )

I Dean R. Whisler, attest to the following and state:
This Affidavit is based upon personal observation, witness testimony, and Dunford’s own words as recorded in
Grand Jury documents. (attachment A)
On February 25, 2009 while testifying at a Grand Jury hearing, Trooper Ramin Dunford did commit perjury with his testimony. Having been duly sworn in, Trooper Dunford did give a false statement to the members of the Grand Jury. He did this of his own violation and with full knowledge that what he said was a lie.
Trooper Dunford told the Grand Jury that on the early morning (0110 hrs.), of January 24, 2009, he was having a vehicle towed from the parking lot of the North Bowl in Wasilla. During the process of this act the owners, Dean and Tina Whisler did show up to retrieve their vehicle. The vehicles were parked in approximately the positions shown on attachment D. Tina Whisler was trying to get into the vehicle and was in discussion with Trooper Dunford, whom had not shown anyone any type of identification to this point, so she was not even sure he was a Trooper. They were in approximately the positions A and B on attachment E. The tow truck driver for MTR, witness 1, was approximately in position C. Dean Whisler was approximately at position D.
Trooper Dunford then told the Grand Jury that Dean Whisler got in between himself and Tina Whisler. That Dean had his neck muscles tensed and shoulders forward and would not let him get to Tina. He testified to Dean’s hostile attitude and that he would not move until Tina told Dean that he had better move before he got attested. All of that statement is a lie and known by Dunford to be a lie. He could not have observed these actions on the part of Dean because it did not happen. Dean never even got on the same side of the vehicle as Dunford and Tina. Dean in fact remained in the position D. Dean Whisler has testified to this, see attachment B. Tina Whisler has testified to this, see attachment C. Tow truck driver witness 1, has testified to this, see attachment D. Witness 1’s testimony was recorded and observed by his boss at the MTR office in Palmer on June 10, 2011. Witness 1 was very clear and certain in his testimony and testified that Dean never came to the side of the vehicle where Tina Whisler and Trooper Dunford, and Dean in no way interfered with Trooper Dunford. As such Dunford’s Grand Jury testimony of Dean Whisler’s position, actions and appearance are a complete and conscience lie and needs to be dealt with to the fullest extent of the law.
Signature of claimant

SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO before me this _______ day of ___________20___

Notary Public for Alaska
My Commission Expires

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